Sunday, June 3, 2012

Quite a Day out of the USA

Wow, we are nearly halfway through our trip, its been an amazing adventure and I can't wait to see whats ahead of us. Today we visited the DMZ, and got a chance to see a show of Korean Traditional Dress and Music which was way beyond expectations. Its been a long day, but a really good one.

Tomorrow we are off to meet with our Korean counterparts in Ag Education and be introduced to Korean Ag Education, I can't wait. Koreans seem to fill every little nook and cranny with Agriculture and I want to see how they teach people to do this. Though they say the country doesn't have a lot of agriculture they shove it in anywhere. In the city they plant rice fields in all the low lying area, or put up greenhouses or hot houses in other areas which are vacant. Korea  has been a lot like the US in its structure and layout but they use all of their empty spaces for agriculture. In the US we have community gardens in many locations yet there are still many vacant ones. It has been great to see how the city flows into the rural area.

I can't wait to see what Ag Education at Seoul National has to offer,

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