Sunday, April 15, 2012


The Pennsylvania State University and the University of Florida are very excited to be working with Seoul National University in conducting this very unique embedded study abroad course.
20 agricultural education students from PSU & UF have been diligently preparing during the spring semester to maximize their ten day experience in South Korea.

The purpose of this adventure is to develop and prepare globally minded agricultural education teachers by providing the opportunity a short-term study experience within the context of agricultural education in nation’s that have school-based agricultural education and university agricultural teacher preparation programs. We hope to assist teacher candidates in acquiring the characteristics of a global-minded agricultural education teacher as purported by The Council for Agricultural Education (2011), which are:
 is open to new perspectives and attitudes from students and others
 easily introduces global examples with authority and understanding (is well read)
 regularly asks the question about the impact on global systems
 has an awareness of current global events with the ability to connect to students in a relevant way
 invites global perspectives into the classroom

We hope that this Trip Blog, which will be updated daily by multiple participants, will help keep our friends, family members, and universities abreast of what we are doing!

Florida Skyping in with Penn State in First Lesson!

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